African Maths Initiative

Sharing Initiatives in Maths Education


Global Maths Circles

Who says that Maths ought to be a non-exciting affair that students shy away from? Who says that students should react with a joyful face when a maths lesson is over and exclaim let’s go have fun now? The last week of October was pretty exciting for some of our team members who have been […]


The official launch of African Maths Initiative-Ghana!

In today’s digital world, mathematical education can play a key role in Africa’s development. The need to put more emphasis on grass-root initiatives that focus on growth, scalability and opportunities which may include using technology as an enabler for learning is urgent. This is due to the fact that mathematical literacy acts as an enabler […]

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Mathematics in the Historic Environment

Many a time Mathematics has been presented in stereotypical texts and styles that feature this subject as difficult and seems impossible to some group of individuals. As we explore this subject at different academic levels as educators, let’s try and make learning easier and fun by exploring some of its related indoors and outdoors activities. […]

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