African Maths Initiative

Sharing Initiatives in Maths Education

Support for schools integrating technology into learning

AMI has always been very interested in developing and learning about ways to integrate technology in schools to be used for teaching and learning. If used correctly, technology can engage learners in the material interactively and generally enhance the learning process in all subjects.

Many schools in Kenya now have a computer lab, either through government or internal funding. While this is good, teachers often have a lack an understanding of how they could use this new technology in their teaching. This is usually due to a lack of training and support for teachers when new technology comes. Because of this, typically a school’s computers become locked away in the lab, occasionally used for computer studies, and almost never used for other subjects.

Computers and free, educational software are heavily used in AMI’s Maths Camps, which has had fantastic reception from students and teachers. Because of this, we have been contacted by several schools asking for advice about how best to use their computers. We are often told by headteachers: “We have been given all these computers. Now what do we do with them??”. This initiative aims to address such concerns.

AMI supports schools in the use of technology in the following ways:

  • Provide and assist with installation of free, educational software (mainly in mathematics and science) for schools.
  • Visit schools to demonstrate how their existing technology can be used for teaching mathematics. We find this is best done when students and teachers experience the technology together, and we suggest teachers observe us delivering a lesson to their students to see examples of using the technology first hand.
  • Continue to provide support to teachers and staff, either remotely or in person. Follow up visits can also be arranged to provide further support.
  • Advice for schools wishing to increase or upgrade their technology .e.g discussing new technologies such as laptops, netbooks and tablets.

Note: AMI is a registered NGO and is independent of any private company and does not sell or make profits from the purchase by a school of any equipment.

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The following people worked on this initiative

Zach Mbasu,

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